Masuk Daftar

kerut muka bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kerut muka"
  • kerut:    furrow; wrinkle; rumpled; tangled; crinkle;
  • muka:    face; the face of; aspect; countenance; mug;
  • kerut:    furrow; wrinkle; rumpled; tangled; crinkle; tousled; line; scoriation; seam; wrinkled; disheveled; crease
  • berkerut-kerut:    scalloped; wrinkled; knotty; knobbed; knotted; gnarled; gnarly
  • muka:    face; the face of; aspect; countenance; mug; side; facial; physiognomy; bobbin; human face; facial expression; appearance; smiler; in front of; visual aspect; front end; neb; kisser; front; snout; v
  • menjadi kering dan berkerut-kerut:    shrivel
  • (air) muka:    countenance
  • air muka:    complexion; countenance; expression; face; mug
  • antara muka:    interface (computing)
  • arus muka:    surface current
  • bagian muka:    prow; front; face; bow
  • beradu muka:    head on; headed on; heading on
  • berhadapan muka:    closed with; closing with; face to face; face up; present; face; confront
  • bermuka-muka:    hypocrisy; feign; sham; dissemble; affect; pretend
  • berpusat-muka:    face-centred
  • They took away decades from my face.
    Mereka telah hilangkan kerut muka dari nenek.
  • Gently cleans old cuticles and improves skin tone. Tightens pores and lightens wrinkles.
    Penghapusan limbah lama secara lembut untuk memperbaiki dan mencerahkan kulit, mengecilkan pori-pori dan menurunkan kerut muka.